
Essential Site cookies

These cookies are necessary for the website to function. 


Name Duration
AWSELB Session
XSRF-Token 30 minutes
consent 2 weeks
fe_typo_user Session
ne_ur 1 month
ukSplitTest 1 month



Collecting anonymous website usage information to allow us to understand how our website is used. We also use this data to make improvements. 


Name Duration
_cs_c 13 months
_cs_cvars Session
_cs_debug Session
_cs_ex 30 days
_cs_id 13 months
_cs_inc 0 seconds
_cs_mk_aa 30 minutes
_cs_mk_ga 30 minutes
_cs_optout 13 months


Google Ads and Analytics

Supporting the functionality of Google’s analytics and advertising platform.


Name Duration
_dc_gtm_<id> 1 minute
_ga 2 years
_ga_<id> 2 years
_gac_gtm_<id> 3 months
_gat 1 minute
_gid 1 day
_gcl_au 3 months
_gcl_aw 3 months
_gcl_dc 3 months



Necessary for the functionality of our Conversation Cloud webchat.


Name Duration
LPSID-nnnnnnnn Session
LPVID 1 month



Microsoft Advertising

Allowing us to measure the success of advertising campaigns served on the Microsoft Advertising platform.


Name Duration
_uetsid 1 day
_uetvid 2 weeks



Optimizely requires cookies to allow us to test different layouts on our website, with the goal of providing the best user experience.


Name Duration
optimizelyBuckets 10 years
optimizelyDomain­TestCookie 10 years
optimizelyEnd­UserId 10 years
optimizelyOptOut 10 years
optimizely­Segmentst 10 years


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